Reverse Osmosis & Water Treatment in Netherlands
The World Bank reports that at least 80 countries have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. More disturbingly, the World Health Organization has reported that 1 billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs, unfortunately in many countries water is scarce or contaminated.
Pure Aqua provides wide range of filtration and economical solutions based on the Netherlands' water resources.
Netherlands' main water resources are:
- Surface water is water from river, lake or fresh water wetland, which can be treated using different methods, such as Ultrafiltration Systems, Brackish Water RO.
- Desalination can be used for water from ocean, or sea source, which can be treated using Seawater Reverse Osmosis Systems; Desalination Systems.
- Ground Water or brackish water is from water located in the pore space of soil and rock “Borehole well”, which can be treated using Reverse Osmosis Systems, Chemical Dosing, UV Water Sterilizers.
- Government water supply, which could have high level of hardness or high level of chlorine, can be treated with Water Softener Systems, Media Water Filters.
Water Treatment in Netherlands
Most of Dutch’s drinking water is extracted from brackish water and surface water sources, where rivers such as the Rhine and Meuse are used. Pure Aqua manufactures and supplies water treatment systems in countries like the Netherlands, with the purpose of maximizing the water quality and distribution in the country. Our water purification systems meet the World Health Organization requirements.
Pure Aqua manufactures water treatment systems that meet the World Health Organization requirements.
Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of B2B water treatment solutions for a variety of applications and industries, we offer a large selection of all types of reverse osmosis and water treatment systems to meet your industrial needs. Pure Aqua’s extensive global experience in engineering and manufacturing allows us to pre-engineer and customize water treatment and reverse osmosis systems to meet a wide range of customer requirements and specifications.
Completed Water Purification Projects for Netherlands:
- Todos Los Partes
- Membranas
- Filtros Para Cartuchos & Carcasas
- Bombas Para Dosificación Química
- Bombas Comerciales para Agua
- Químicos para Ósmosis Inversa
- Tanques FRP para Filtros
- Porta Membranas De Presión
- Válvulas de Control
- Productos de Desinfección Ultravioleta
- Módulos De Biorreactor De Membrana (MBR)
- Instrumentos para Monitoreo de Agua
- Medios y Resina para Filtración de Agua
- Todos Los Experiencia
- Soluciones
Aplicaciones de Tratamiento de Agua
- Aeroespacial
- Agricultura
- Agua potable
- Aguas Residuales
- Alimentos y Bebidas
- Aves de corral
- Costa
- Criaderos de peces
- Cursos de golf
- Desalinización
- Electricidad y Energía
- Fabricación de hielo
- Farmacéutica
- Hospitales
- Hoteles
- Lácteos
- Lavadero
- Lavado de ventanas
- Libre de Manchas
- Marítima
- Militar
- Minería
- Minería de litio
- Municipal
- Paneles solares
- Refinería
- Restaurantes
- Semiconductores
- Tiendas de agua
- Alimentación de Calderas
- Alivio de Desastres
- Medio Ambiente
- Sistemas de Ósmosis Inversa Para Agua Salobre
- Sistemas De Ósmosis Inversa Para Agua De Mar
- Sistemas de Nanofiltración NF
- Sistemas De Ultrafiltración UF
- Sistemas de Limpieza de Membrana
- Filtración de Medios
- Carcasa Para Cartuchos de Filtros
- Suavizador de Agua
- Sistemas Desionizadores
- Equipos En Contenedores
- Electrodeionización
- Biorreactor De Membrana
- Sistemas de Tratamiento de Agua Personalizada
- Esterilizadores Ultravioleta
- Sistemas de Dosificación de Químicos
- Países
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